Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Here are some rocks.

Gabriola With My Mother


So I just spent the last few days at the family cabin with my mother. We went for a walk down the beach and she talked about the history of some of the cabins along berry point. The photos above are of Howie's cabin, it has been there for over 80 years and its right on the beach. No one lives in it anymore but it is used as a boathouse shed by Howie's family.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Designing a Logo that you don't hate after 10 Minutes

So I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to design an effective logo for when i start my website/business up. I've gone through about 6 main ideas, and most of the time I like it when I create it, save it and forget about it, come back an hour later to look at it, then realize it's no good. Here is a draft of what I actually still like. 

Please feel free to comment / critique / give suggestions.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lighting Gear

So I set up a bunch of my lighting gear this weekend and thanks to my neighbor I got to test it out. Here is a shot from todays shoot.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fireworks from a boat.

So we went out on Paul's family boat lastnight for the fireworks. About 2 minutes in I realized that shooting fireworks from a moving boat was a little bit useless. So I put the camera away, but before we went out on the water, there was a typical vancouver sunset happening, so I took a couple shots from the dock.